Seeking wellness in our careers

Be it expanding our family, pivoting in our career, enforcing new boundaries, policies or traditions - making choices that are grounded with our collective well-being is top priority.

Our person-centered approach draws from the work of Drs. Juana Bordas, Richard Boyatzis and Carl Rogers, where we engage people from a space of compassion, empathy, and inclusivity with a safe, non-judgemental lens with each client.


Dr. Guadalupe Federico-Martinez

Dr. Guadalupe Federico-Martinez, is a professional coach and a scholar of academic medicine. She has worked as both an administrator in GME, Faculty Affairs, and career and leadership development realms for the past 18 years prior to launching DLM to coach full time in medicine.
Owner, full-time career coach and organizational consultant
DLM Coaching, Consulting & Wellness, LLC
Associate Professor of Practice
University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix: Department of Surgery
Former Assistant Dean of Faculty Affairs and Career Development
University of Arizona College of Medicine -Phoenix
Founding director of the College of Medicine’s signature faculty career mentoring program: Leading & Inspiring Faculty Trajectories (LIFT)
University of Arizona College of Medicine -Phoenix
2022-2023 Chair-elect
Associate of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)’s Group on Faculty Affairs (GFA)
Past chairwoman and member
Associate of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)'s Group on Faculty Affairs (GFA) Research and Scholarship Committee
PhD in Higher Education
University of Arizona College of Education
Department of Education Policy and Practice; Center for the Study of Higher Education.
Licensed Certified Educator
by the Arizona Department of Education
Educator ID No. 3711338
Post-Doctoral Certificate in Adult Wellness Counseling
Cornell University
Affiliate Member of the U.S. Institute of Coaching
McLean Hospital - a Harvard Affiliate
University of Arizona Commission on the Status of Women Maria Theresa Velez Outstanding Mentor Award

See Dr. Federico-Martinez’s
featured highlights

Here are resources for career and organizational needs in academic medicine
Physician leadership behaviors and strategies: Insights to integrate and prioritize faculty wellbeing into the post-COVID hospital culture

Accepted. To be released October 2024 in the Physician Leader Journal

Mohan Belthur, MD; Danieal Drane, EdD and Jennifer Hartmark-Hill, MD

To be released October 2024 in the Physician Leader Journal

Principles of academic life-appointments, promotion and tenure

An e-chapter featured in the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Faculty Affairs: New Members Toolkit.

January 2021

View publication
Empowering Clinical Faculty in the Promotion Process by Adapting Criteria, Expanding Outreach and Engaging Technology.
American Association of Medical Colleges Group on Faculty Affairs Professional Development Conference
With Co-authors Chelsea Meraz, MEd, Amanda Hendricks, MAEd, Casey R Giblin, DO, and Ken Knox, MD
July 21 2020, Portland, OR
Workshop: Cultivating professional fulfillment for faculty and reigniting joy in the work environment.
Annual American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine.
With Co-authors, Mohan Belthur, MD; Danieal Drane, EdD and Jennifer Hartmark-Hill, MD
September 24, 2022